Shipping cost varies all around the world, we ship from your closest warehouse location. Our team will be able to give you an approximate cost of shipping for your item. Feel free to contact us to discuss.
When your order is confirmed with your consultant, it will move through our order system and to the warehouse dispatch to be processed and pick your order. Once our warehouse team has picked your order and organised the dispatch you will receive an automatic email from the freight provider your item is booked with. This email will contain your tracking link and tracking number.
For orders going overnight with our freight providers – who are NZ Couriers and Post Haste, once your order has been dispatched, you will receive your tracking details in an email from our Customer Service team.
When your order is paid for, you will receive an email from our accounts team with your invoice and packing slip. This packing slip will show you all the items you are to receive. When the package/s are delivered, ensure you check the contents and tick off the items on your packing slip. You will have 48 hours to check your items once all packages have been delivered. After this time, you may incur replacement fees. If you have made payment and have not received a packing slip within two business days, please contact us so we can arrange for this to be sent.
Accidental damage is defined as sudden and unexpected damage to your property or contents by an outside force. For instance, spilling a drink and staining the carpet, or drilling through a pipe. Accidental damage cover is sometimes included in home insurance, but usually it's sold as an optional extra.
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You can pay in the following ways
You can choose to pay in cash.
Google-owned YouTube has added UPI as a payment option on its platform. This means that users can now pay for their purchases on YouTube as well as YouTube Music using the UPI method. The new option will be available in addition to the existing credit and debit card payment methods